#!/bin/bash # Script Name: ssl-install # Author: Matt McKinnon # Date: 28th May 2018 # Description: # # Script used to copy Let's Encrypt Generated Certificates from generating server to ESXi VPS Server. # This script requires acme.sh be used to setup your Let's Encrypt Certificates. # - https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh # # SSH Key Login also needs to be enabled on ESXi # # # # DOM_NAME="home.comprofix.com" ESXI_SERVER="esxi.home.comprofix.com" if [ ! -d ~/.acme.sh ]; then echo "Folder does not exist" exit 0 else # echo "You are using acme.sh. Well done" fi scp -q ~/.acme.sh/$DOM_NAME/$DOM_NAME.cer root@$ESXI_SERVER:/etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt scp -q ~/.acme.sh/$DOM_NAME/$DOM_NAME.key root@$ESXI_SERVER:/etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key ssh -qt root@$ESXI_SERVER "/sbin/services.sh restart"