Added Powershell Script nasbakup.ps1 with Email Support

This commit is contained in:
Matthew McKinnon 2019-06-02 13:14:35 +10:00
parent 2d1d4a61cd
commit 6e7ec5e745

nasbackup.ps1 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#Map Network Drive
New-PSDrive -Persist -Name "Z" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\NAS\backup" -Confirm:$false
# set variables
$date = get-Date -UFormat "%d-%m-%Y"
$SourceFolder = "D:\"
$DestinationFolder = "Z:\DATA"
$Logfile = "backup-$date.log"
$EmailParams = @{
From = ""
To = ""
Subject = "Backup Log $date"
SMTPServer = "mail.comprofix.local"
Port = "25"
# copy
ROBOCOPY.EXE $SourceFolder $DestinationFolder /E /J /PURGE /MIR /X /FP /NS /NDL /ETA /TEE /np /LOG:$LogFile /XD "$RECYCLE.BIN" "System Volume Information" ".session"
# build email body
$EmailBody = (Get-Content $Logfile | % { "$_<br/>" -replace "`t","&#09;" -replace " ","&nbsp;" })
#send email
Send-MailMessage @EmailParams -Bodyashtml "<div style='Font-Family:Lucida Console,Courier New,Monospace'>$EmailBody</div>"
#Disconnect Network Drive
Get-PSDrive Z | Remove-PSDrive -Confirm:$false