--- - name: Create directories file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory with_items: - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea" - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea/data" - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea/db" - name: Create MySQL DB for Gitea docker_container: name: gitea_db image: mysql:9 restart_policy: unless-stopped networks: - name: proxy env: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ gitea_db_root_password }}" MYSQL_USER: "{{ gitea_db_user }}" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "{{ gitea_db_password }}" MYSQL_DATABASE: gitea volumes: - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea/db:/var/lib/mysql" - name: Create the Gitea container docker_container: name: gitea image: gitea/gitea:1.23 restart_policy: unless-stopped recreate: true # dns_servers: # - # - networks: - name: proxy ports: - "2222:22" env: PUID: "1001" PGID: "1001" TZ: "Australia/Brisbane" volumes: - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea/data:/data" - "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro" - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.http.routers.gitea.rule: "Host(`git.comprofix.com`)" traefik.http.routers.gitea.entrypoints: "https" traefik.http.routers.gitea.tls: "true" traefik.http.routers.gitea.service: "gitea" traefik.http.services.gitea.loadbalancer.server.port: "3000" register: container_gitea - name: Create directories file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory with_items: - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea-runner" - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea-runner/config" - name: Check that config.yaml exists stat: path: "{{ data_folder }}/gitea-runner/config/config.yaml" register: configyaml - name: Create config.yaml file file: path: "{{ data_folder }}/gitea-runner/config/config.yaml" state: touch mode: '0600' access_time: preserve modification_time: preserve when: configyaml.stat.exists == False - name: Create the gitea-runner container docker_container: name: gitea-runner image: gitea/act_runner:0.2.11 restart_policy: unless-stopped recreate: true # dns_servers: # - # - volumes: - "/etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro" - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - "{{ data_folder }}/gitea-runner/config/config.yaml:/config.yaml" - "/etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro" env: CONFIG_FILE: "/config.yaml" GITEA_INSTANCE_URL: "https://git.comprofix.com" GITEA_RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN: "{{ GITEA_RUNNER_TOKEN }}" GITEA_RUNNER_NAME: "gitea-runner" GITEA_RUNNER_LABELS: "alpine-latest:docker://alpine:latest,ubuntu-latest:docker://node:22-bookworm" - name: Create directories file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory with_items: - "{{ data_folder }}/opengist" - name: Create the opengist container docker_container: name: opengist image: ghcr.io/thomiceli/opengist:1.9 restart_policy: unless-stopped recreate: true networks: - name: proxy # dns_servers: # - # - volumes: - "{{ data_folder }}/opengist:/opengist" env: OG_GITEA_CLIENT_KEY: "{{ OG_GITEA_KEY }}" OG_GITEA_SECRET: "{{ OG_GITEA_SECRET }}" # URL of the Gitea instance. Default: https://gitea.com/ OG_GITEA_URL: "https://git.comprofix.com" PUID: "1000" PGID: "1000" TZ: "Australia/Brisbane" labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.http.routers.opengist.rule: "Host(`gist.comprofix.com`)" traefik.http.routers.opengist.entrypoints: "https" traefik.http.routers.opengist.tls: "true" traefik.http.routers.opengist.service: "opengist" traefik.http.services.opengist.loadbalancer.server.port: "6157" register: container