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- name: Ensure open-iscsi is installed
name: open-iscsi
state: present
- name: Ensure parted is installed
name: parted
state: present
- name: Discover iSCSI targets
command: sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p ""
register: iscsi_discovery
- name: Set target_iqn variable based on discovery
target_iqn: "{{ item.split(' ')[1] }}"
loop: "{{ iscsi_discovery.stdout_lines }}"
when: item.startswith("")
- name: Check if iSCSI target is already connected
command: iscsiadm -m session
register: iscsi_sessions
changed_when: false
2024-11-01 00:06:33 +10:00
failed_when: iscsi_sessions.rc not in [0, 21] # Allow success if the return code is 0 or 21
- name: Connect to iSCSI target
command: sudo iscsiadm -m node -T "{{ target_iqn }}" -p "" --login
when: target_iqn is defined and target_iqn not in iscsi_sessions.stdout
- name: Set iSCSI target for automatic login
command: sudo iscsiadm -m node -T "{{ target_iqn }}" -p "" --op update --name node.startup --value automatic
when: target_iqn is defined
- name: Fail if no target_iqn found
msg: "No target IQN found for iSCSI server IP"
when: target_iqn is not defined
- name: List all block devices
command: lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,TYPE,MODEL
register: lsblk_output
- name: Set iSCSI device variable
iscsi_device: "/dev/{{ item.split()[0] }}"
loop: "{{ lsblk_output.stdout_lines }}"
when: item.split()[2] == 'disk' and 'iSCSI' in item # Adjust based on the MODEL you observe
- name: Fail if no iSCSI device found
msg: "No iSCSI device found!"
when: iscsi_device is not defined
- name: Create a partition on iSCSI device using parted
device: "{{ iscsi_device }}"
number: 1
state: present
part_type: primary
fs_type: ext4
part_start: 0% # Start at the beginning of the device
part_end: 100% # Use the entire available space
- name: Create filesystem on new partition
fstype: ext4
dev: "{{ iscsi_device }}1" # Format the partition
- name: Create mount point
path: /data
state: directory
- name: Mount iSCSI target
path: /data
src: "{{ iscsi_device }}1" # Mount the new partition
fstype: ext4
opts: defaults,_netdev
state: mounted
# - name: Ensure iSCSI target is mounted at boot
# lineinfile:
# path: /etc/fstab
# line: "{{ iscsi_device }}1 /data ext4 _netdev 0 0"
# state: present