# User dependent .bashrc file # If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ "$-" != *i* ]] && return # Various variables you might want for your PS1 prompt instead Time12h="\T" Time12a="\@" PathShort="\w" PathFull="\W" NewLine="\n" Jobs="\j" # Shell Options set -o notify set -o ignoreeof shopt -s nocaseglob shopt -s histappend shopt -s cdspell # Completion options COMP_CVS_REMOTE=1 COMP_CONFIGURE_HINTS=1 COMP_TAR_INTERNAL_PATHS=1 [[ -f /etc/bash_completion ]] && . /etc/bash_completion # Aliases if [ -f "${HOME}/.bash_aliases" ]; then source "${HOME}/.bash_aliases" fi if [ -f "${HOME}/.bash_colors" ]; then source "${HOME}/.bash_colors" fi # Display the current git branch in the command prompt if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then export PS1="$BWhite[$BGreen\u$BWhite@$BBlue\h $BYellow\w $BWhite]\$ " else export PS1="$BWhite[$BRed\u$BWhite@$BBlue\h $BYellow\w $BWhite]\$ " fi if [ -e /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color ] && [ "$COLORTERM" == "xfce4-terminal" ]; then export TERM=xterm-256color fi if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" && "$TERM" = "xterm" ]]; then export TERM=xterm-256color fi